Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 261 - 280 of 710 results. Page: 14 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
261 Connell Celtic Strong in battle. M
262 Connla Celtic Mythical son of Conn. M

263 Conroy Celtic Persistent. M
264 Conway Celtic Hound of the plain. M
265 Corann Celtic Mythical druid. M
266 Cordelia Celtic Of the sea. F
267 Cormac Celtic Charioteer. M
268 Coventina Celtic Water goddess. F
269 Cradawg Celtic Mythical son of Bran. M
270 Cuchulain Celtic Mythical Hound of Ulster. M
271 Cuinn Celtic Wise. M
272 Culain Celtic Mythical smith. M
273 Culann Celtic Mythical smith. M

274 Cullen Celtic Cub. M
275 Custennin Celtic Mythical giant. M
276 Dallas Celtic Dwells by the waterfall. M
277 Daman Celtic Demon. M
278 Dana Celtic From Denmark. Dana was the Celtic goddess of fertility. F
279 Darcy Celtic Dark. M
280 Dearg Celtic Son of Daghda. M