Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 341 - 360 of 710 results. Page: 18 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
341 Dyfed Celtic From Dyfed. M
342 Ea Celtic Fire. M

343 Eburscon Celtic Lives near the yew tree estate. M
344 Edan Celtic Fire. M
345 Edana Celtic Passionate. F
346 Edna Celtic Fire. F
347 Efnisien Celtic Mythical son of Euroswydd. M
348 Egan Celtic Ardent. M
349 Eghan Celtic Ardent. M
350 Einion Celtic Anvil. M
351 Elgin Celtic 'Noble; white.'. M
352 Elgine Celtic 'Noble; white.'. M
353 Elidor Celtic Mythical monk. M

354 Eljin Celtic 'Noble; white.'. M
355 Elsha Celtic Noble. F
356 Emrys Celtic Celtic form of Ambrose. M
357 Ena Celtic Passionate or fiery. F
358 Engl Celtic Light. F
359 Enid Celtic Spirit. F
360 Eoghann Celtic Young. M