Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 441 - 460 of 710 results. Page: 23 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
441 Hefeydd Celtic Mythical father of Rhiannon. M
442 Heilyn Celtic Mythical son of Gwyn. M

443 Henbeddestr Celtic Fastest man. M
444 Henwas Celtic Mythical brother of Henbeddestr. M
445 Herne Celtic Mythical hunter god. M
446 Huarwar Celtic Mythical son of Halwn. M
447 Hueil Celtic Mythical son of Caw. M
448 Idelisa Celtic Bountiful. F
449 Idelle Celtic Bountiful. F
450 Iden Celtic Wealthy. M
451 Inness Celtic From the island. M
452 Innis Celtic From the island. M
453 Iona Celtic From the king's island. F

454 Ione Celtic From the king's island. F
455 Irven Celtic White. M
456 Irvin Celtic White. M
457 Irving Celtic White. M
458 Irvyn Celtic White. M
459 Isold Celtic The fair. F
460 Isolda Celtic The fair. F