Popular Celtic names for girls and boys

Showing 601 - 620 of 710 results. Page: 31 of 36
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
601 Nareen Celtic Contented. F
602 Nareena Celtic Contented. F

603 Nareene Celtic Contented. F
604 Neal Celtic Champion. M
605 Neala Celtic Ruler. F
606 Neale Celtic Champion. M
607 Nealie Celtic Ruler. F
608 Nealon Celtic Champion. M
609 Neese Celtic Choice. M
610 Neil Celtic Champion. M
611 Neill Celtic Champion. M
612 Nell Celtic Champion. M
613 Nels Celtic Chief. M

614 Nelson Celtic Son of Neil. M
615 Nemausus Celtic Mythical god of Nimes. M
616 Newlin Celtic From the new spring. M
617 Newlyn Celtic From the new spring. M
618 Niall Celtic Champion. M
619 Niallan Celtic Champion. M
620 Niece Celtic Choice. M