Popular French names for girls and boys

Showing 921 - 940 of 1079 results. Page: 47 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
921 Nathalia French Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. F
922 Nathalie French Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. F

923 Nathaly French Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. F
924 Natuche French Born at Christmas. F
925 Nell French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F
926 Nellie French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F
927 Nelly French Diminutive of Eleanor, derived from the Greek Helen. F
928 Nichol French Feminine of Nicholas: people's victory. F
929 Nichole French Feminine of Nicholas: people's victory. F
930 Nicola French People's victory. F
931 Nicolette French People's victory. F
932 Ninette French Grace. F
933 Ninon French Grace. Famous bearer: 17th century aristrocat Ninon de Lenclos was famous for her wit and beauty. F

934 Noel French Christmas. F
935 Noele French Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ's birth and Christmas festival. F
936 Noeleen French Feminine form of Noel: Christmas. F
937 Noeline French Feminine form of Noel: Christmas. F
938 Noell French Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ's birth and Christmas festival. F
939 Noella French Christmas. F
940 Noelle French Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ's birth and Christmas festival. F