Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 701 - 720 of 1068 results. Page: 36 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
701 Macaire Greek Blessed. M
702 Machaon Greek Son of Aesculapius. M

703 Makarioa Greek Blessed. M
704 Marcario Greek Blessed. M
705 Marsyas Greek A satyr. M
706 Maur Greek Dark. M
707 Maurice Greek Dark. M
708 Medus Greek Son of Medea by Aegeus. M
709 Melaina Greek Dark. M
710 Melampus Greek Seer. M
711 Melanippus Greek Helps defend Thebes against the attackers. M
712 Melanthius Greek Sides with Penelope's suitors against his master Odysseus. M
713 Meleager Greek An Argonaut. M

714 Melecertes Greek Son of Ino. M
715 Meliza Greek Bee. Melissa was Mythological princess of Crete who was transformed to a bee after learning how to collect honey. M
716 Menelaus Greek Brother of Agamemnon. M
717 Menoeceus Greek Father of Jocasta. M
718 Mentor Greek Wise counselor. M
719 Mette Greek Pearl. M
720 Midas Greek Turned everything he touched to gold. M