Popular Greek names for girls and boys

Showing 761 - 780 of 1068 results. Page: 39 of 54
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
761 Nilos Greek People's victory. M
762 Nils Greek People's victory. M

763 Niocol Greek People's victory. M
764 Niocole Greek People's victory. M
765 Nisus Greek Father of Scylla. M
766 Notus Greek The south wind. M
767 Obiareus Greek A Titan. M
768 Oceanus Greek Father of the Oceanids. M
769 Ocnus Greek Incompetent. M
770 Odysseus Greek Wrathful. M
771 Oedipus Greek Swollen foot. M
772 Oeneus Greek King of Calydon. M
773 Oenomaus Greek Son of Ares. M

774 Oighrig Greek Well spoken. M
775 Oles Greek Defender of man. M
776 Ophion Greek A serpent. M
777 Oreias Greek From the mountain. M
778 Oreste Greek From the mountain. M
779 Orestes Greek From the mountain. M
780 Orion Greek Rising in the sky; dawning. Mythological Orion was a mighty hunter and son of Poseidon. The constellation Orion contains three conspicuous stars. M