Popular Hebrew names for girls and boys

Showing 421 - 440 of 1116 results. Page: 22 of 56
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
421 Dov Hebrew Bear. M
422 Dovev Hebrew Speaks in a whisper. M

423 Dur Hebrew Accumulating. M
424 Duriel Hebrew God is my home. M
425 Dusan Hebrew Variant of Daniel: God is my judge. M
426 Eaden Hebrew Variant of Eden: Delight. M
427 Eadin Hebrew Variant of Eden: Delight. M
428 Eban Hebrew Variant of Eben: Stone. M
429 Ebbaneza Hebrew Variant of Ebenezer: Rock that helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol'. M
430 Eben Hebrew Stone. M
431 Ebeneezer Hebrew Variant of Ebenezer: Rock that helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol'. M
432 Ebeneser Hebrew Variant of Ebenezer: Rock that helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol'. M
433 Ebenezar Hebrew Variant of Ebenezer: Rock that helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol'. M

434 Ebenezeer Hebrew Variant of Ebenezer: Rock that helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol'. M
435 Ebenezer Hebrew Rock or stone of help. Famous bearer: the Old Testament Samuel gave the name Ebenezer to a stone set up in recognition of God's assistance in defeating the Philistines; miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' novel A Chnsitmas Carol'. M
436 Edan Hebrew Variant of Eden: Delight. M
437 Eden Hebrew Delight. Famous reference: the biblical Garden of Eden. M
438 Eder Hebrew Flock. The biblical tower of Eder was built near Hebron as a watchtower shepherds watched their flocks from. Eder became a symbol of God's watchfulness over His people. M
439 Edin Hebrew Variant of Eden: Delight. M
440 Edom Hebrew An alternative name of the Old Testament character Esau. Variant of Adam : Red, a reference to either the red skin or the red earth of Eden from which the Old Testament Adam was created in Genesis 2. M