Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 2361 - 2380 of 3159 results. Page: 119 of 158
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2361 Neptune Latin God of water. M
2362 Neptunine Latin Thetis's surname. F

2363 Nereus Latin A god of the sea. M
2364 Nerina Latin Named for the Nereides. F
2365 Nerine Latin Named for the Nereides. F
2366 Nerio Latin Wife of Mars. F
2367 Neris Latin Named for the Nereides. F
2368 Nevada Latin Snowy. F
2369 Neville Latin From the new town. M
2370 Nidia Latin Nest. F
2371 Nigel Latin Dark. M
2372 Nigellus Latin Champion. Latinized from the Scandinavian Njal: (Niall) in Normandy. M
2373 Niki Latin Of the lord. M

2374 Nikki Latin Of the lord. M
2375 Nila Latin From the Nile. F
2376 Nilea Latin From the Nile. F
2377 Nilia Latin From the Nile. F
2378 Nixi Latin Goddesses who helped with childbirth. F
2379 Nohle Latin Noble. M
2380 Noleta Latin Unwilling. F