Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 2501 - 2520 of 3159 results. Page: 126 of 158
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2501 Parcia Latin Named for the Furies. F
2502 Paris Latin Abductor of Helen. M

2503 Parnassus Latin From Pamassus. M
2504 Parzifal Latin Destroyer. M
2505 Pasithea Latin Mother of Pandion. F
2506 Pastor Latin Shepherd. M
2507 Pat Latin Diminutive of Patricia: Noble. St. Patricia was a 7th century patron saint of Naples. F
2508 Pat Latin Regal; noble. Diminutive of Patrick. M
2509 Patience Latin Patient. F
2510 Patiencia Latin Patient. F
2511 Patientia Latin Patient. F
2512 PatIyk Latin Regal. M
2513 Paton Latin Regal. M

2514 Patrice Latin Noble. F
2515 Patrice Latin Regal. M
2516 Patricia Latin Feminine form of Patrick: Regal; noble. F
2517 Patricio Latin Regal. M
2518 Patrick Latin Regal; noble. St. Patrick introduced Christianity to Ireland, and later became Ireland's patron saint. M
2519 Patrizio Latin Regal. M
2520 Patroclus Latin A friend of Achilles. M