Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 481 - 500 of 1195 results. Page: 25 of 60
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
481 Fedele Latin Faithful. M
482 Felice Latin Happy. M

483 Felicia Latin Variant of Felix: Happy. Lucky. Famous bearers: cartoon character Felix the Cat, British actor Felix Aylmer. M
484 Felician Latin Happy. M
485 Felicio Latin Happy. M
486 Feliks Latin Happy. M
487 Felix Latin Happy. Lucky. Famous bearers: cartoon character Felix the Cat, British actor Felix Aylmer. M
488 Ferenc Latin Free. M
489 Feri Latin Free. M
490 Ferke Latin Free. M
491 Ferko Latin Free. M
492 Fidal Latin Faithful. M
493 Fidel Latin Faithful. From 'fidelis'. Famous bearer: Cuban President Fidel Castro. M

494 Fidele Latin Variant of Fidel: Faith; faithful. Famous Bearer: Fidel Castro, ruler of Cuba. M
495 Fidelio Latin Faithful. M
496 Fidelis Latin Faithful. M
497 Fidello Latin Faithful. M
498 Flavia Latin Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired. M
499 Flavian Latin Yellow-haired. M
500 Flavien Latin Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired. M