Popular Latin names for girls and boys

Showing 541 - 560 of 1195 results. Page: 28 of 60
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
541 Gloribel Latin Glory. M
542 Graciela Latin Favor; blessing. The three mythological graces were nature goddesses: Aglaia: (brilliance); Thalia: (flowering); and Euphrosyne: (joy). M

543 Graeme Latin Grain. M
544 Graham Latin Grain. M
545 Gram Latin Grain. M
546 Grant Latin Great. M
547 Gratian Latin Grateful. M
548 Guido Latin Life. M
549 Gustave Latin Majestic. M
550 Gustavus Latin Staff of the gods, or staff of the Goths. M
551 Gusztav Latin Majestic. M
552 Guy Latin Life. M
553 Gwidon Latin Life. M

554 Gyala Latin Young. M
555 Hadrian Latin From 'Hadrianus' meaning of Adria or 'of the Adriatic. Also 'dark,' a variant of Adrian. Famous bearer: Roman emperor Hadrian ordered the famous Hadrian's wall be built across northern England. M
556 Hadrien Latin Dark. Variant of Adrian. In the 2nd century AD Roman Emperor Hadrian caused the Hadrian wall to be built in Britain. M
557 Halirrhothius Latin Son of Poseidon. M
558 Hannibal Latin General from the 3rd century B.C. who crossed the Alps with 30,000 men and 38 elephants during the second Punic War. M
559 Harpocrates Latin Egyptian god of the sun. M
560 Hector Latin Brother of Paris. M