Popular Norse names for girls and boys

Showing 181 - 200 of 581 results. Page: 10 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
181 Eyjolf Norse Killed by Kari. M
182 Eystein Norse Lucky. M

183 Eyvind Norse Son of Lodin. M
184 Fafner Norse A mythical dragon. M
185 Fafnir Norse A mythical dragon. M
186 Fasolt Norse Killed by Fafnir. M
187 Faste Norse Firm. M
188 Fell Norse From the rough hill. M
189 Fenris Norse A mythical monster wolf. M
190 Finn Norse Finder. M
191 Finnbogi Norse A merchant. M
192 Fjall Norse From the rough hill. M
193 Floki Norse A heroic Viking. M

194 Flosi Norse A chieftain. M
195 Forseti Norse Son of Balder. M
196 Freki Norse Odin's wolf. M
197 Frey Norse God of weather. M
198 Freyr Norse God of weather. M
199 Freystein Norse Rock hard. M
200 Fridleif Norse Father of Ari. M