Popular Teutonic names for girls and boys

Showing 121 - 140 of 743 results. Page: 7 of 38
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
121 Chalmer Teutonic Lord of the home. M
122 Chalmers Teutonic Lord of the home. M

123 Charles Teutonic Manly. M
124 Clay Teutonic Mortal. M
125 Claybourne Teutonic Mortal. M
126 Clayhorn Teutonic Mortal. M
127 Clayton Teutonic From the town on the clay bed. M
128 Clinton Teutonic From the headland farm. M
129 Colbert Teutonic Cool and inteIligent. M
130 Conrad Teutonic Bo!d speech. M
131 Cort Teutonic Bo!d speech. M
132 Crosby Teutonic Dwells by the town. M
133 Culbert Teutonic Cool and inteIligent. M

134 Dale Teutonic Dwells in the dale. M
135 Dannel Teutonic Teutonic form of Daniel 'God is my judge'. M
136 Darrick Teutonic Rules the people. M
137 Dedric Teutonic Rules the people. M
138 Dedrick Teutonic Rules the people. M
139 Dedrik Teutonic Rules the people. M
140 Delwin Teutonic Valley friend. M