Popular Welsh names for girls and boys

Showing 241 - 260 of 265 results. Page: 13 of 14
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
241 Talar Welsh From the headland in the field. F
242 Tangwen Welsh Legendary daughter of Gweir. F

243 Tarian Welsh Shield. F
244 Tarren Welsh From the knoll. F
245 Tegan Welsh Beautiful. F
246 Tegwan Welsh Beautiful and fair. F
247 Teleri Welsh Legendary daughter of Peul. F
248 Telyn Welsh Harp. F
249 Terrwyn Welsh Brave. F
250 Toreth Welsh Abundant. F
251 Torlan Welsh From the river bank. F
252 Torri Welsh Break. F
253 Tristyn Welsh Feminine of Tristan: noisy;full of sorrows. F

254 Una Welsh White wave. F
255 Vala Welsh Chosen. F
256 Vanora Welsh White wave. F
257 Win Welsh Diminutive of Winifred: Blessed reconciliation. F
258 Winefred Welsh White wave. Also a variant of Winifred: Blessed reconciliation. F
259 Winifred Welsh Reconciled; blessed. Historically Winifred was a martyred Welsh princess; traditionally the patron saint of virgins. F
260 Winnie Welsh Diminutive of Winifred: Blessed reconciliation. F