Showing 161 - 180 of 1983 results. Page: 9 of 100
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
161 Baldwyn Teutonic Noble friend. M
162 Baldwynn German Variant of Baldwin: Brave friend. M

163 Baleegh Muslim Variant of Baligh: Eloquent. Vivid.. M
164 Balen ArthurianLegend Brother of Balaan. M
165 Balen Hindi Variant of Bala: Child. M
166 Balen Latin Brave. M
167 Balendin Latin Fierce; brave. M
168 Balfor Gaelic Variant of Balfour: From the grazing land. M
169 Balfore Gaelic Variant of Balfour: From the grazing land. M
170 Balfour Gaelic From the grazing land. M
171 Balfour Scottish From the pastureland. M
172 Balgair Scottish Fox. M
173 Balgaire Scottish Fox. M

174 Bali Hindi Variant of Balin: Soldier. Also, in Hindu mythology, the monkey king who can weaken enemies with a wish. M
175 Bali Indian Mighty warrior. M
176 Baligh Muslim Eloquent. Vivid.. M
177 Balin ArthurianLegend Brother of Balaan. M
178 Balin Hindi Soldier. Also, in Hindu mythology, the monkey king who can weaken enemies with a wish. M
179 Balin Indian Mighty warrior. M
180 Baline Latin Strong and healthy. M