Showing 141 - 160 of 415 results. Page: 8 of 21
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
141 In'am Muslim Gift. Grant.. M
142 Inaayat Muslim Variant of Inayat: Concern Attention.. M

143 Inachus Greek A river god. M
144 Inachus Latin Father of Io. M
145 Inaki Basque Ardent. M
146 Inaki Latin Ardent. M
147 Inayat Muslim Concern Attention.. M
148 Ince Latin Innocent. M
149 Incendio Spanish Fire. M
150 Inder Hindi Supreme god. M
151 India Biblical Praise, law. M
152 Indira Sanskrit Splendid. M
153 Indra Hindi Supreme god. M

154 Indra Indian Supreme god. M
155 Ine Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
156 Inek Latin Small. M
157 Inerney Irish Steward of church lands. M
158 Ingall German Angel. M
159 Ingalls German Angel. M
160 Ingel German Angel. M