Showing 481 - 500 of 591 results. Page: 25 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
481 Wirt Anglo-Saxon Worthy. M
482 Wise Irish Ardent or wise. M

483 Wissian Anglo-Saxon Guide. M
484 Wit Dutch White. M
485 Wit Latin Life. M
486 Wit Polish Life. M
487 Witt English Wise. M
488 Witta English Wise. M
489 Wittahere English Wise wamor. M
490 Wittatun English From the wise man's estate. M
491 Witter English Wise wamor. M
492 Witton English From the wise man's estate. M
493 Wlader Teutonic Strong fighter. M

494 Wmffre Welsh Welsh form of Humphrey 'friend of the Huns'. M
495 Wodeleah English From the wooded meadow. M
496 Woden Anglo-Saxon King of the gods. M
497 Wohehiv NativeAmerican Dull knife (Cheyenne). M
498 Wokaihwokomas NativeAmerican White antelope (Cheyenne). M
499 Wolcott English Lives in Wolfe's cottage. M
500 Wolf English Wolf. M