13 Artifacts whose Mysteries Still Unsolved

Stonehenge, England

Legend has it that the stone structure was built by the legendary magician Merlin. However, Stonehenge predates the hypothetical era of King Arthur and his legendary deeds. The mystery surrounding its construction persists: how were immense boulders transported from a quarry located hundreds of kilometers away? The purpose of its construction remains debated: was it an observatory, meticulously aligned with celestial bodies to represent the solar system, or was it a sacred site used by Celtic priests known as Druids?

Baalbek, Lebanon

The remarkable centerpiece amidst the remnants of the ancient urban area is a majestic temple complex crafted in a classical architectural style. Unlike other structures of its time, this ensemble showcases colossal stone blocks, some reaching a staggering weight of up to 1,000 tonnes, which the Romans lacked the technology to maneuver into place (these are situated at the foundation). To put this into perspective: the dimensions of the Athenian Parthenon pale in comparison, while even the heaviest block of the Cheops pyramid weighs a mere “90 tons” in comparison. The construction of this foundation is often attributed to the Egyptians, with some speculative voices suggesting it might have served as the platform for the mythical Tower of Babel.

Newgrange, Ireland

Although the construction crew encountered the monument in the 17th century, serious investigation into it didn’t commence until almost three centuries later. The excavation revealed a striking mound: impeccably circular, boasting an impressive diameter, and predating the Egyptian pyramids. At the heart of the site, archaeologists uncovered a burial chamber. Witnessing the solstice within, one experiences a captivating celestial event – a beam of light gradually illuminating the entire chamber. According to Irish folklore, this locale marks the gateway to the realm of elves and faeries.

Dolmen Caucasus, Russia

Scattered across the mountain slopes are petite dwellings constructed from smooth stones. Each structure features an aperture on its frontage, sealed tightly with a plug. It’s astonishing to note that although these slabs are weighed in tons, they are aligned with such precision that not even a knife blade can slide between them. These ancient artifacts date back thousands of years, with some monuments, like the renowned Volkonskaya, believed to possess healing attributes. Intriguingly, traces of the “dolmen tradition” can be observed in various corners of the globe.

Tikal, Guatemala

In the lush greenery of the jungle lies one of the most significant Maya settlements. Within this expanse, you’ll find man-made bodies of water, a course for a ball game, and grand residences. However, what truly stands out are the majestic structures of the pyramids, arranged in a layout that reflects the city’s historical evolution. Various theories abound regarding their purpose, ranging from religious significance to being centers of learning or burial grounds, or perhaps fulfilling multiple roles. The origin of the name “Tikal” remains uncertain, but it has earned the moniker “City of Voices” for its ability to resonate even with the faintest of sounds.

Large Zayatsky maze, Russia

The Solovetsky archipelago’s islands are adorned with elaborate patterns of interconnected stones resembling spiraling mazes. These formations, dubbed “Babylon” by the locals, present a unique phenomenon. Navigating through them is a singular experience; if one follows the specific pathways delineated by the boulders, they will eventually end up where they started. But what was their original purpose? Various theories abound. Some researchers propose utilitarian functions, suggesting they were used as fish traps. Others speculate they served recreational purposes, functioning as venues for communal dances and games. However, the prevailing belief is that these structures held ritual significance, marking the boundary between the mundane world and the realm beyond.

Petra, Jordan

A majestic “den” nestled among rocky cliffs at an elevation of 900 meters above sea level. Skilled artisans demonstrated exceptional patience in crafting this marvel akin to Petra’s splendor. At the conclusion of the serene canyon, Cid presents a breathtaking sight: the façade adorned with pillars and porticos, known as Al Khazneh (or “Treasury” in Arabic). It could be a temple, or perhaps a mausoleum. The mystery lies in deciphering the methods of the sculptors’ craft. How did they work without scaffolding, with seemingly no resources at hand?

The stone balls of Costa Rica

Ancient rock formations along the Pacific coastline narrowly escaped vandalism as workers mistook them for hiding gold. Despite efforts to attract tourists by relocating them to urban areas, these artifacts were still damaged. Their precise age remains uncertain due to constant displacement. The theory of their formation by water has been debunked, leaving questions about their significance unanswered. Are they celestial symbols or mere natural formations? Without evidence, these are mere speculations.

Terracotta Army, China

The burial site of Qin Shi Huang, known as the Mausoleum, contains over 8000 sculptures depicting Chinese soldiers and horses. These sculptures were interred alongside the ruler, deviating from customary practices which typically involved burying humans and animals. Crafted by hand in the 3rd century BC, the life-sized army exhibits meticulous attention to detail, with each face being unique. Excavations, ongoing since the 1970s, require meticulous care, particularly for security reasons, due to an ancient legend suggesting that the emperor’s tomb may be guarded by a river of mercury leading to the afterlife.

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Europeans lack awareness regarding the intricacies of the XIX century. Doubt arises about the authenticity of Rouge’s construction. The masonry exhibits remarkable density, with seams occasionally indiscernible. Stones boast an exceptional smoothness and possess the structural integrity to support their own weight. The arrangement of 200 edifices is deliberate, ensuring that travelers approaching from either side are greeted by only three temples at a time. Particularly breathtaking are the vistas during the rainy season, as a broad moat brims with water, imparting an Ankgor Wat-esque impression of an island amidst an expansive ocean.

Timbuktu, Mali

Legend has it that the city’s origins stem from the elderly lady and her [buckten] (referred to as “Team” in the Tuareg language), which served as a welcome stop for caravans. It was a central figure in medieval stories, with streets said to be paved with gold and inhabitants known for their wisdom. Many brave souls sought to conquer the African Eldorado but never returned, until a Frenchman named René Calle arrived, masquerading as a pilgrim. His astonishment was palpable upon discovering the humble town with its adobe structures. Today, adventurers are drawn to the city by its distinctive mosque architecture.

Statues of Easter Island, Chile

A tiny island situated in the expanse of the Pacific Ocean adorned with massive stone sculptures. Signs suggest they were relocated and toppled over at various points in time. These statues carry weight not just in physical mass but also in their significance within cultural and ceremonial contexts. Regrettably, the knowledge bearers, whose descendants could provide insights, perished long ago due to the ravages of slave trade. The key to unraveling the enigmas of the island lies in engaging directly with these silent figures. However, only through experimentation has it been confirmed that such manipulation was indeed feasible.

Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt

Standing majestically amidst the vast expanse of desert lies a monumental sculpture – a true enigma of colossal proportions. Initially attributed to the hand of the Pharaohs, the statue is now recognized as the Sphinx, albeit restored over time. Its body, reminiscent of a lion’s form, bears weathered furrows, hinting at its ancient origins. Speculation runs wild, with some daringly suggesting ties to cataclysmic events like the Great Flood.

Yet, puzzlement deepens as scrutiny reveals discrepancies in its proportions, particularly with its head. Furthermore, recent discoveries unveil hidden chambers within the massive structure, prompting clandestine investigations that have drawn the ire of authorities. Could this monument be more than just a desert


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